Home Remedies

Every time you eat or drink,
You are either feeding disease or fighting it.

- Heather Morgan

Explore Your Home Remedies Option

Common Cold 10 Home Remedies for Cold and Cough
Common Cold: 10 Home Remedies for Cold and Cough
Common cold is a prevalent illness in the winter season but it can be cured by some simple remedies at home. Here is the list...
Flatulence Treatment : 10 Foods that can cause Farting
Flatulence Treatment: 10 Foods that can cause Farting
Flatulence or Farting is a gut problem where excessive gas passes from anal passage. Here, is the list of foods that you should avoid in...
Nuts for Weight Loss
10 Best Nuts for Weight Loss and Ways to Consume
If you are struggling with your weight loss commitments, then add these 10 nuts for weight loss. We will also discuss how to consume them...
10 Essential Indian Herbs and Spices
10 Essential Indian Herbs & Spices: Health Benefits & their Uses
Spices and Herbs remain an integral part of Indian cuisine. Each of them have specific benefits and uses in Indian dishes....

Let your diet be the cure for your health.
Explore healthy eating options now.

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